How Long Does Whole Wheat Bread Last (Freshly Baked)?


Blue Arrow
Green Arrow
4-5 days
Blue Arrow
Blue Arrow
3 months


Shelf Life Tips

  • How long does whole wheat bread last? The precise answer to that question depends to a large extent on storage conditions - keep whole wheat bread in a cool, dry area.
  • To maximize the shelf life of bakery-bought whole wheat bread, keep in original packaging and store at room temperature.
  • To maximize the shelf life of homemade whole wheat bread, cool thoroughly before storing and place in plastic storage bag or breadbox, or wrap in foil and store at room temperature.
  • Properly stored, whole wheat bread will last for about 4 to 5 days at normal room temperature.
  • How long does whole wheat bread last in the fridge? Whole wheat bread should ideally not be refrigerated, as the bread will dry out and become stale faster than at room temperature.
  • If you must refrigerate whole wheat bread (eg, due to a lack of pantry storage space or very hot, humid room conditions), the bread will typically last for only about 2-3 days before getting stale.
  • Can you freeze whole wheat bread? Yes, to freeze: (1) Slice bread or leave loaf whole; (2) Wrap tightly with aluminum foil or plastic freezer wrap, or place in heavy-duty freezer bag and freeze.
  • How long does a loaf of whole wheat bread last in the freezer? Properly stored, it will maintain best quality for about 3 months, but will remain safe beyond that time.
  • The freezer time shown is for best quality only - whole wheat bread that has been kept constantly frozen at 0°F will keep safe indefinitely.
  • How to tell if whole wheat bread is bad or spoiled? The best way is to smell and look at the bread: discard any bread that has an off smell or appearance; if mold appears, discard the entire loaf.

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Sources: For details about data sources used for food storage information, please click here

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